Principals Hines: David Burtard Prez: Mike Witczak Joe: John Hanson Hasler: David Bouffard Gladys: Liz Sonnenberg Sid Sorokin: Todd Cornils Mabel: Joanne Tait First Helper: Rick Jump Second Helper: Lee Anthony Charlie: Pete Salkowski Babe Williams: Brenda Butard Mae: Michelle Egger Brenda: Katrina Van Dreel Poopsie: Maura Mansfield Salesman: Matt Gadzinski Pop: John Higgins |
Director: Perry Smith Director: Paul S. Hanstedt Rehearsal Pianist: Mark Lechner Clarinet/Tenor Sax: Kathy Stangel Bass Clarinet/Baritone Sax: Jim Purchatzke Flute: Lisa Shaw Guitar: Barry Pohlmann Alto Sax/Bass Clarinet: Stephanie Taddy Trombone: Dave Jorsch Trombone/Baritone: Steve Plank Trombone: Bryan Schultz Trumpet: Steve Wood Violin: Bill Pohlmann Violin: Jessie Shimek Clarinet/Saxophone: Shannon Mealy Flute/Piccolo: Jolene Purchatzke Alto Saxophone: Kit Coffin Violin: Amy Foster |
Christine Hamann Carla Hansen Tiffany Hiller Shana Mansfield Terry Naidl Laurie Sydow Mary Thuermer Mary Vohen |
David Schrankler Bob Sitzman Bill Weyenberg Tim Wollersheim |
Amy Alfson Brenda Burtard Amy Clark Ann Fritsch Laura Schwantes Matthew Slattery Joanne Tait Karen Woznick Costumes Connie Boutin Amy Clark Michelle Egger Tim Gadzinski Liz Sonnenberg Katrina Van Dreel Art Matt Gadzinski Programs Jeff Blashka Tim Gadzinski |
Public Relations
Jeff Blashka Tim Gadzinski Maura Mansfield Pete Salkowski Lori Sitzman Katrina Van Dreel Props Jeff Blashka Matt Gadzinski Tim Gadzinski Maura Mansfield Ushers Amy Clark Nicki Egger Lauri Neubert Barb Nickels Laura Schwantes Matthew Slattery Steven K. Thompson |
Office Staff
Mike Birch Jeff Blashka Barb Dvorak Michelle Egger Matt Gadzinski Tim Gadzinski Cathi Guertin Chris Hamann John Higgins Dave Neuser Barb Nickels Pete Salkowski Dave Schrankler Lori Sitzman Sue Swokowski Lauri Sydow Joanne Tait Mary Vohen Mike Witczak Andy Wood Steve Wood Karen Woznick Carolyn Wright |
Company Leadership
The Board of Directors
President: David J.P. Neuser Producer: Jeff Blashka Assistant: Dave Neuser Vice-President: Maura Mansfield Secretary/Treasurer: Joanne Tait Public Relations: Dave Bouffard |
Directing Staff
General Director: Tim Gadzinski Choral Director: Adam Miller Orchestra Directors: Paul Hanstedt and Perry Smith Choreographers: Mary Thuermer and Tina Hiller Technical Director: Shannon Mealy |
Production Council
Office Manager: Maura Mansfield House Manager: Amy Clark Programs: Kathi Johnson Make-up: Natalie Podner and Renee Rydzewski Public Relations: Dave Bouffard and Matt Gadzinski Props: Mike Witczak Costumes: Mike Witczak Art: Brenda Burtard and David Burtard |
Musical Numbers
"The Pajama Game"..................................................................................................................Hines
"Racing With The Clock"............................................................................Girls and Boys Chorus
"A New Town Is A Blue Town"..................................................................................................................Sid
"I'm Not At All In Love"..................................................................................................................Babe
"I'll Never Be Jealous Again"............................................................................Hines and Mabel
"Hey There"........................................................................................................................................................Sid
"Her Is"........................................................................................................................................................Prez and Gladys
"Once A Year Day"..................................................................................................................Company
Reprise: "Her Is"..................................................................................................................Prez and Mae
"Small Talk"..................................................................................................................Sid and Babe
"There Once Was A Man"............................................................................Sid and Babe
Reprise: "Hey There"..................................................................................................................Sid
"Steam Heat"............................................................................Gladys, Prez, and Joe
Reprise: "Hey There"..................................................................................................................Babe
"Think Of The Time I Save"............................................................................Hines and Girls Chorus
"Hernando's Hideaway"............................................................................Sid, Gladys, and Comapny
"Seven And One Half Cents"......................................Babe, Prez, Boys and Girls Chorus
"The Pajama Game"..................................................................................................................Entire Company
"Racing With The Clock"............................................................................Girls and Boys Chorus
"A New Town Is A Blue Town"..................................................................................................................Sid
"I'm Not At All In Love"..................................................................................................................Babe
"I'll Never Be Jealous Again"............................................................................Hines and Mabel
"Hey There"........................................................................................................................................................Sid
"Her Is"........................................................................................................................................................Prez and Gladys
"Once A Year Day"..................................................................................................................Company
Reprise: "Her Is"..................................................................................................................Prez and Mae
"Small Talk"..................................................................................................................Sid and Babe
"There Once Was A Man"............................................................................Sid and Babe
Reprise: "Hey There"..................................................................................................................Sid
"Steam Heat"............................................................................Gladys, Prez, and Joe
Reprise: "Hey There"..................................................................................................................Babe
"Think Of The Time I Save"............................................................................Hines and Girls Chorus
"Hernando's Hideaway"............................................................................Sid, Gladys, and Comapny
"Seven And One Half Cents"......................................Babe, Prez, Boys and Girls Chorus
"The Pajama Game"..................................................................................................................Entire Company
Program Notes
Producer's Note from the program
I would like to welcome you this evening to the 16th season of Peter Quince Performing Company Ltd. and the presentation of The Pajama Game. In my third year of Peter Quince, I have been honored and privileged to work with many talented people. I have found that the youth of the lakeshore area are very talented, with a lot of energy to back it up.
From the time I joined Peter Quince as a chorus member in Dames at Sea and The Boyfriend, i have seen what dedication, self-discipline, and a sense of pride can do. This spirit seems to show through at the strangest times. All of the frustration, sweat, and hard work seem priceless as soon as the curtain rises. Whire reading this, the excitement and energy in the dressing rooms is building to a high that few people experience. You will have the opportunity to feel this energy as the curtain rises and the performers take you away.
I have seen all the facets, from the business end to raw construction, and I know that a lot of people go unnoticed. So now I would like to add a personal thank-you to all of those who helped, but will not be physically seen on stage. For without them a curtain could not rise and no show would be.
I would like to close by dedicating this show, not to all who have won or lost, but to those who have tried. For trying is our first and biggest hurdle we have to overcome to reach all of our dreams.
Thank You,
Enjoy the Show,
Jeffrey A. Blashka
Producer and Chairman of the Board
Director's Note from the program
Good Evening and Welcome to the Pajame Game!
About eight weeks ago, we had our first read-through of the play you are about to see this evening. At that time, I felt that I had something special on my hands and I haven't lost that feeling since. We have a lot of new people this year, with a new type of enthusiasm. For all of the hard work and long hours put in, I would just like to thank my cast, our crews, and a few people who know who they are who put in an extra effort to keep the momentum going our way. I hope you enjoy the show.
Thank you for coming,
Tim Gadzinski
I would like to welcome you this evening to the 16th season of Peter Quince Performing Company Ltd. and the presentation of The Pajama Game. In my third year of Peter Quince, I have been honored and privileged to work with many talented people. I have found that the youth of the lakeshore area are very talented, with a lot of energy to back it up.
From the time I joined Peter Quince as a chorus member in Dames at Sea and The Boyfriend, i have seen what dedication, self-discipline, and a sense of pride can do. This spirit seems to show through at the strangest times. All of the frustration, sweat, and hard work seem priceless as soon as the curtain rises. Whire reading this, the excitement and energy in the dressing rooms is building to a high that few people experience. You will have the opportunity to feel this energy as the curtain rises and the performers take you away.
I have seen all the facets, from the business end to raw construction, and I know that a lot of people go unnoticed. So now I would like to add a personal thank-you to all of those who helped, but will not be physically seen on stage. For without them a curtain could not rise and no show would be.
I would like to close by dedicating this show, not to all who have won or lost, but to those who have tried. For trying is our first and biggest hurdle we have to overcome to reach all of our dreams.
Thank You,
Enjoy the Show,
Jeffrey A. Blashka
Producer and Chairman of the Board
Director's Note from the program
Good Evening and Welcome to the Pajame Game!
About eight weeks ago, we had our first read-through of the play you are about to see this evening. At that time, I felt that I had something special on my hands and I haven't lost that feeling since. We have a lot of new people this year, with a new type of enthusiasm. For all of the hard work and long hours put in, I would just like to thank my cast, our crews, and a few people who know who they are who put in an extra effort to keep the momentum going our way. I hope you enjoy the show.
Thank you for coming,
Tim Gadzinski