UNCLE JOCKO: Steve Wood GEORGE: Mike Brunner TAMMY: Eric Weyenberg BALLOON GIRL: Kerry Wellner BABY LOUISE: Bridget Rusboldt BABY JUNE: Trisha Kattreh MOTHERS: Susan Doughty, Greta Franz, Melissa Franz ROSE: Toni Aleman POP: Bill Weyenberg MAN IN CAR: Bob Sitzman TAP DANCING URCHIN: Eric Kowalski BOY SCOUT: Kris Kaminski BOY IN CAR: Bobby Maloney NEWS BOYS: Eric Kowalski, Kris Kaminski, Bobby Maloney WEBER: Craig Weyenberg HERBIE: Gary Hamburg LOUISE: Jill Moumblow JUNE: Deanna Van Dreel TULSA: Dan Hilmer YOUKERS: Mike Gregurich ANGIE: Bobby Sitzman L.A.: Mike Garvey MR. KRINGELEIN: Steve Wood MR. GOLDSTONE: Craig Weyenberg FARMBOYS: Dan Hilmer, Bob Sitzman, Mike Gregurich, Mike Garvey, Dave Reis, Bill Weyenberg MISS CRATCHETT: Lisa Weyenberg HOLLYWOOD BLONDES: AGNES: Brenda Maloney MARJORIE MAY: Shana Mansfield DELORESE: Susan Doughty THELME: Kim Faust PASTEY: Dave Reis TESSIE-TURA: Amy Moumblow MAZZEPPA: Pamela Krupski CIGAR: Steve Wood ELECTRA: Katrina Van Dreel SHOWGIRLS: MAID: Susan Doughty PHIL: Mike Brunner BOURGERON-COCHON: Craig Weyenberg COW: Craig Weyenberg, Melissa Franz
Company Leadership Directing Staff
Producer: Jeffrey Blashka General Director: Todd Cornils Choral Director: Katrina Van Dreel Choreographer: Sandy Scorleder Technical Director: Kieth Marquardt Orchestra Director: Stephanie Taddy |
Jolene Purchatzke Wayne Heili Sharyl Condado Paul Massey Mark Lechner Jeff Meindl Tom Barnes Kristin Barnes Jill Pick Shelly Tess Michelle Rathsack Sarah Kalscheur Mary Frances Kaufman Tim Lippert Bart Zastrow Mike Stone Gary Van Dreel Mary Kahl Crews
Musical Numbers
Act 1
Rose's Entrance: Let me Entertain You................................................Baby June, Baby Louise
Some People.......................................................................................................................................................Rose
Small World................................................................................................................................Rose and Herbie
Baby June & Her Newsboys...............................................Baby June, Baby Louise, Newsboys
Mr. Goldstone................................................................................................................Rose and Company
Little Lamb...........................................................................................................................................................Louise
You'll Never Get Away From Me...........................................................................Rose and Herbie
Farm Sequence...........................................................................Dainty June, Louise, and Farm Boys
If Mamma Was Married...................................................................................................June and Louise
All I Need is the Girl.......................................................................................................................................Tulsa
Everything's Coming Up Roses..............................................................................................................Rose
Act 2
Toreadorable.......................................................................................................Louise and Toreadorables
Together Wherever We Go........................................................................Rose, Herbie, and Louise
You Gotta Get a Gimmick....................................................................Mazeppa, ELectra, and Tessie
Reprise: Small World.................................................................................................................................Rose
Gypsy Strip Routine: Let me Entertain You......................................................................................Louise
Rose's Turn............................................................................................................................................................Rose
Rose's Entrance: Let me Entertain You................................................Baby June, Baby Louise
Some People.......................................................................................................................................................Rose
Small World................................................................................................................................Rose and Herbie
Baby June & Her Newsboys...............................................Baby June, Baby Louise, Newsboys
Mr. Goldstone................................................................................................................Rose and Company
Little Lamb...........................................................................................................................................................Louise
You'll Never Get Away From Me...........................................................................Rose and Herbie
Farm Sequence...........................................................................Dainty June, Louise, and Farm Boys
If Mamma Was Married...................................................................................................June and Louise
All I Need is the Girl.......................................................................................................................................Tulsa
Everything's Coming Up Roses..............................................................................................................Rose
Act 2
Toreadorable.......................................................................................................Louise and Toreadorables
Together Wherever We Go........................................................................Rose, Herbie, and Louise
You Gotta Get a Gimmick....................................................................Mazeppa, ELectra, and Tessie
Reprise: Small World.................................................................................................................................Rose
Gypsy Strip Routine: Let me Entertain You......................................................................................Louise
Rose's Turn............................................................................................................................................................Rose
Program Notes
Producer's Note from the program
Good Evening,
I would like to welcome you as The Peter Quince Performing Company Ltd. proudly presents "Gypsey" in its 17th season. You may wonder how Quince survives and continues in its success. Behind the company there are many strong traditions, but every strong tradition alone will not produce a musical every summer. It also takes a special group that is determined to succeed and be the very best they can. We call ourselves "Quincers". This group of people changes due to the fact that the Constitution limits its members to age 22 and younger. Every year the new group of "Quincers" must find out, on their own, what the best method is to Direct and Produce a musical. Seventeen years ago Reed Humphrey had a dream and he took a gamble. The new Quincers have a new dream and a new gamble to face every year. IT is determination that produces a show each individual season. However, it is the traditions that keep the Company thriving from year to year.
As the curtain rises you can see the determination of Quincers and the Tradition of Quince being carried on for another year.
Jeffrey Allen Blashka
Director's Note from the program
This evening you will be witnessing the results of the work and sweat of many people. Without this dedicated group of people, we would not be performing for you tonight. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them.
First of all may Co-Directors Lisa, Katrina, Stephanie, and Keith, who have made my responsibilities as General Director easier.
Secondly, the Masquers and Masquers Board of Directors for their continuous support.
Also, the cast, orchestra, and crews for their hard work, and for helping to make this an enjoyable experience.
Peter Quince is a wonderful opportunity for youth to experience all aspects of theater. Through Quince I've learned so much about the friendships, myself, and I've gained a new respect for directors. I would lastly like to thank the directors with whom I've worked in the past. I've patterned my directing after them and the examples they have set for me.
Todd. C. Cornils
General Director
Good Evening,
I would like to welcome you as The Peter Quince Performing Company Ltd. proudly presents "Gypsey" in its 17th season. You may wonder how Quince survives and continues in its success. Behind the company there are many strong traditions, but every strong tradition alone will not produce a musical every summer. It also takes a special group that is determined to succeed and be the very best they can. We call ourselves "Quincers". This group of people changes due to the fact that the Constitution limits its members to age 22 and younger. Every year the new group of "Quincers" must find out, on their own, what the best method is to Direct and Produce a musical. Seventeen years ago Reed Humphrey had a dream and he took a gamble. The new Quincers have a new dream and a new gamble to face every year. IT is determination that produces a show each individual season. However, it is the traditions that keep the Company thriving from year to year.
As the curtain rises you can see the determination of Quincers and the Tradition of Quince being carried on for another year.
Jeffrey Allen Blashka
Director's Note from the program
This evening you will be witnessing the results of the work and sweat of many people. Without this dedicated group of people, we would not be performing for you tonight. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them.
First of all may Co-Directors Lisa, Katrina, Stephanie, and Keith, who have made my responsibilities as General Director easier.
Secondly, the Masquers and Masquers Board of Directors for their continuous support.
Also, the cast, orchestra, and crews for their hard work, and for helping to make this an enjoyable experience.
Peter Quince is a wonderful opportunity for youth to experience all aspects of theater. Through Quince I've learned so much about the friendships, myself, and I've gained a new respect for directors. I would lastly like to thank the directors with whom I've worked in the past. I've patterned my directing after them and the examples they have set for me.
Todd. C. Cornils
General Director