I want to know what Peter Quince Performing Company is and how it operates.
Disclaimer: The relevant articles are listed below do not make up the entirety of the PQPC bylaws. Please go to the full bylaws page if you want to know more about PQPC. Members are still expected to go through all of the bylaws.
Article X: Departure from Membership or Company Positions
Section 1: Retirement
1.1 Upon culmination of the season in which a member turns 23 years of age, said member must retire from the Company and may no longer be a Member of the Company.1.2 No member can be coerced into retirement from the Company before the end of the season of their 23rd birthday; with the exception of extreme circumstances as determined by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors.
Section 2: Removal from Membership
2.1 Members failing to adhere to the rules of the Company as outlined in Article XIII, "Conditions of Membership," shall be indicted for removal from the Company.
2.2 Any Member concerned with another Member's behavior may bring up the concerns with the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. In the case of those invovled being a Member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors, the concerns should be directed initally to another Member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. That member shall then bring it to the Board, excluding those involved. If the Accuser wishes to remain anonymous, charges may be brought up through an anonymous letter. The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors shall contemplate the charges including but not limited to the accusation(s) and the testimony of those involved. This initial inquisition shall remain private, unless the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors determines that action must be taken. If action is necessary, the Indictment Procedure outlined in Article X, Section 2, 2.3 shall be used, with the strike used dependant upon the severity of the offense.
2.3 The Indictment Procedure is as follows:
Section 3: Impeachment
3.1 Any person holding a position is subject to Impeachment.
3.2 Any person holding a position who fails to fulfill his/her position requirements or fails to adhere to the rules of the Company as outlined in Article XIII, "Conditions of Membership," shall be Impeached and possibly removed from the Company.
3.3 The General Committee of the Board of Directors shall serve as a grievance committee to hear any grievances brought forth by any Member of the Company. The Committee shall meet to discuss the severity of the charges, and shall decide, by majority vote, whether or not the Impeachment of the accused member will be brought before the entire Company for a final decision.
3.4 The Impeachment proceedings shall be held within one month of the decision to pursue Impeachment. If there is no official meeting in that time period an Emergency Meeting shall be convened.
3.5 The ratification for Condemnation or Vindication shall require a two-thirds vote of the Members present.
3.6 The President, if not involved, will Chair the proceedings. If the President is involved, responsibility shall fall upon the Producer, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Public Relations Director, Alumni Committee Head, Fundraising Committee Head, Internet Committee Head, History Committee Head, Bylaw Committee Head, Education Committee Head, Social Activities Committee Head, General Director, Musical Director, Choral Director, Technical Director, and Choreographer, respectively, until a member is not involved in the Impeachment proceedings.
3.7 In the event that the accused fails to acknowledge contact made by the Grievance Committee in regards to said accusation, the committee has the right to impose a decision based on the evidence presented by the accuser. Once a decision is made it will not be eligible to be reopened under any circumstances.
3.8 Argument shall have a time limit set upon it. One person shall be selected by volunteering or by Board of Director's conscription to keep time. Each party, prosecutors and defendants, shall have exactly fifteen uninterrupted minutes to state their arguments. After both sides have stated their case, each party shall have exactly ten minutes to take questions from the floor and further rebut accusations. After this has taken place all parties involved, prosecutors and defendants, shall withdraw from the meeting place. The vote shall then take place by secret ballot. The accused Member shall be informed of the results at a special Company Meeting to be held as soon as possible after the vote.
3.9 The General Committee of the Board of Directors shall determine the penalty. The minimum penalty shall be removal from Office. The maximum penalty shall be permanent expulsion from the Company.
3.10 Any necessary elections to fill posts shall take place at the meeting convened to pass judgment upon the accused. The elections shall take place as described in Article VIII.
Section 4: Resignation
4.1 Resignation from a position shall be for the remainder of the season.
4.2 Resignation from the Company shall be for the remainder of the season subject to Article III, Section 3, 3.3.
4.3 All Resignations must be given to the President in writing, and, once accepted by the President, are considered final. If the President wishes to resign, notice must then be given to the Vice-President. Members who resign have the option of rejoining by again paying dues.
4.4 Any Member of the Executive Committee or General Committee of the Board of Directors who resigns from their elected position shall be ineligible for election in any position held the current and following seasons.
Section 1: Retirement
1.1 Upon culmination of the season in which a member turns 23 years of age, said member must retire from the Company and may no longer be a Member of the Company.1.2 No member can be coerced into retirement from the Company before the end of the season of their 23rd birthday; with the exception of extreme circumstances as determined by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors.
Section 2: Removal from Membership
2.1 Members failing to adhere to the rules of the Company as outlined in Article XIII, "Conditions of Membership," shall be indicted for removal from the Company.
2.2 Any Member concerned with another Member's behavior may bring up the concerns with the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. In the case of those invovled being a Member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors, the concerns should be directed initally to another Member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. That member shall then bring it to the Board, excluding those involved. If the Accuser wishes to remain anonymous, charges may be brought up through an anonymous letter. The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors shall contemplate the charges including but not limited to the accusation(s) and the testimony of those involved. This initial inquisition shall remain private, unless the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors determines that action must be taken. If action is necessary, the Indictment Procedure outlined in Article X, Section 2, 2.3 shall be used, with the strike used dependant upon the severity of the offense.
2.3 The Indictment Procedure is as follows:
- Strike 1: Should the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors determine the charges to be valid, those involved will be required to have a formal meeting with the Executive Board in which the offense will be discussed; if the violation involves the President the warning may be issued by the Vice President. If the Vice President is also involved, the responsibility shall fall to the Producer, Secretary-Treasurer, Public Relations Director, Alumni Committee Head, Fundraising Committee Head, Internet Committee Head, History Committee Head, Bylaw Committee Head, Education Committee Head, Social Activities Committee Head, General Director, Musical Director, Choral Director, Technical Director, and Choreographer, respectively, until a member is not involved in the illegal act.
- Strike 2: Should the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors determine the charges to be valid, the party involved is to give a formal apology to those who were impacted by their actions, under the supervision of the President. The Party involved will also be required to spend 2 hours of non-company time of supervised labor in the Quince basement. Supervision must be by a member of the General Committee of the Board of Directors approved by the President. If the President is involved, the approval of supervision falls to the Vice President. If the Vice President is also involved, then the list (found in Strike 1) of officers shall be used until a non-Accused officer is found. If these 2 hours are not completed by the post-production meeting, said Member shall be suspended from the Company, effective as of the Post-production Meeting and concluding one year from that date.
- Strike 3: Those responsible will be required to give a formal apology in front of the company, and will not be able to run for and/or hold a position for the following season.
- Strike 4: Removal of membership effective immediately.
Section 3: Impeachment
3.1 Any person holding a position is subject to Impeachment.
3.2 Any person holding a position who fails to fulfill his/her position requirements or fails to adhere to the rules of the Company as outlined in Article XIII, "Conditions of Membership," shall be Impeached and possibly removed from the Company.
3.3 The General Committee of the Board of Directors shall serve as a grievance committee to hear any grievances brought forth by any Member of the Company. The Committee shall meet to discuss the severity of the charges, and shall decide, by majority vote, whether or not the Impeachment of the accused member will be brought before the entire Company for a final decision.
3.4 The Impeachment proceedings shall be held within one month of the decision to pursue Impeachment. If there is no official meeting in that time period an Emergency Meeting shall be convened.
3.5 The ratification for Condemnation or Vindication shall require a two-thirds vote of the Members present.
3.6 The President, if not involved, will Chair the proceedings. If the President is involved, responsibility shall fall upon the Producer, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Public Relations Director, Alumni Committee Head, Fundraising Committee Head, Internet Committee Head, History Committee Head, Bylaw Committee Head, Education Committee Head, Social Activities Committee Head, General Director, Musical Director, Choral Director, Technical Director, and Choreographer, respectively, until a member is not involved in the Impeachment proceedings.
3.7 In the event that the accused fails to acknowledge contact made by the Grievance Committee in regards to said accusation, the committee has the right to impose a decision based on the evidence presented by the accuser. Once a decision is made it will not be eligible to be reopened under any circumstances.
3.8 Argument shall have a time limit set upon it. One person shall be selected by volunteering or by Board of Director's conscription to keep time. Each party, prosecutors and defendants, shall have exactly fifteen uninterrupted minutes to state their arguments. After both sides have stated their case, each party shall have exactly ten minutes to take questions from the floor and further rebut accusations. After this has taken place all parties involved, prosecutors and defendants, shall withdraw from the meeting place. The vote shall then take place by secret ballot. The accused Member shall be informed of the results at a special Company Meeting to be held as soon as possible after the vote.
3.9 The General Committee of the Board of Directors shall determine the penalty. The minimum penalty shall be removal from Office. The maximum penalty shall be permanent expulsion from the Company.
3.10 Any necessary elections to fill posts shall take place at the meeting convened to pass judgment upon the accused. The elections shall take place as described in Article VIII.
Section 4: Resignation
4.1 Resignation from a position shall be for the remainder of the season.
4.2 Resignation from the Company shall be for the remainder of the season subject to Article III, Section 3, 3.3.
4.3 All Resignations must be given to the President in writing, and, once accepted by the President, are considered final. If the President wishes to resign, notice must then be given to the Vice-President. Members who resign have the option of rejoining by again paying dues.
4.4 Any Member of the Executive Committee or General Committee of the Board of Directors who resigns from their elected position shall be ineligible for election in any position held the current and following seasons.