I want to know about company meetings.
Disclaimer: The relevant articles are listed below do not make up the entirety of the PQPC bylaws. Please go to the full bylaws page if you want to know more about PQPC. Members are still expected to go through all of the bylaws.
Article XI: Company Meetings
Section 1: Annual Meetings
1.1 Post Production: held no more than three weeks after the final performance of the summer Production, and shall mark the commencement of the new Production year. At this Meeting the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors, the General Director, and four members of the Play Reading Committee shall be elected.
1.2 Thanksgiving: held within ten days of the fourth Thursday of November. At this meeting, the Directing Staff as well as the Internet Committee Chair shall be elected. The top five show will be presented to the company.
1.3 Christmas: held within ten days of December 25th. At this meeting, the show for the summer Production and the Bylaw and Fundraising Committee Head Chairs shall be selected.
1.4 Easter: held within fourteen days of Easter Sunday, unless Easter falls after April 1. At this Meeting the Historian, Alumni and Education Chairs shall be elected.
1.5 Pre-Production: held within one week of the beginning of rehearsals. At this Meeting the Social Chair shall be elected.
1.6 Executive Mid-Production: Held within the first three weeks of July. Executive Board shall meet to discuss what has been done and what needs to be done during the summer season. General Committee and/or company members will be asked to attend if needed.
1.7 Any Meeting may be scheduled for a different time than that specified in the bylaws with the consent of three fifths of the Company.
Section 2: Other Meetings
2.1 The Board may also convene any other Company Meeting it deems necessary.
Section 3: Notice of Meetings
3.1 All members of the Board of Directors shall receive at least one week notice of all appropriate Board Meetings.
3.2 All Company Members shall receive at least two weeks notice for all regular meetings and at least one week notice in the case of Emergency Meetings.
Section 4: Quorum
4.1 A Quorum must be present to call a meeting to order.
4.2 For meetings of the Board of Directors, a Quorum is two thirds of the appropriate committee.
4.3 For regular Company Meetings a Quorum is one half the Membership as of the date of the Meeting.
4.4 For Impeachment Meetings a Quorum is three-fourths of the Membership as of the date of the Meeting.
Article XII: Operating Procedures
Section 4: Parliamentary Procedure
4.1 All meetings shall follow Parliamentary Procedure.
4.2 Meetings may be run informally with the approval of the Chair for that Meeting and the majority of those voting members attending the meeting.
4.3 Minutes shall be kept at all Meetings, regardless of the system by which they are run.
Section 1: Annual Meetings
1.1 Post Production: held no more than three weeks after the final performance of the summer Production, and shall mark the commencement of the new Production year. At this Meeting the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors, the General Director, and four members of the Play Reading Committee shall be elected.
1.2 Thanksgiving: held within ten days of the fourth Thursday of November. At this meeting, the Directing Staff as well as the Internet Committee Chair shall be elected. The top five show will be presented to the company.
1.3 Christmas: held within ten days of December 25th. At this meeting, the show for the summer Production and the Bylaw and Fundraising Committee Head Chairs shall be selected.
1.4 Easter: held within fourteen days of Easter Sunday, unless Easter falls after April 1. At this Meeting the Historian, Alumni and Education Chairs shall be elected.
1.5 Pre-Production: held within one week of the beginning of rehearsals. At this Meeting the Social Chair shall be elected.
1.6 Executive Mid-Production: Held within the first three weeks of July. Executive Board shall meet to discuss what has been done and what needs to be done during the summer season. General Committee and/or company members will be asked to attend if needed.
1.7 Any Meeting may be scheduled for a different time than that specified in the bylaws with the consent of three fifths of the Company.
Section 2: Other Meetings
2.1 The Board may also convene any other Company Meeting it deems necessary.
Section 3: Notice of Meetings
3.1 All members of the Board of Directors shall receive at least one week notice of all appropriate Board Meetings.
3.2 All Company Members shall receive at least two weeks notice for all regular meetings and at least one week notice in the case of Emergency Meetings.
Section 4: Quorum
4.1 A Quorum must be present to call a meeting to order.
4.2 For meetings of the Board of Directors, a Quorum is two thirds of the appropriate committee.
4.3 For regular Company Meetings a Quorum is one half the Membership as of the date of the Meeting.
4.4 For Impeachment Meetings a Quorum is three-fourths of the Membership as of the date of the Meeting.
Article XII: Operating Procedures
Section 4: Parliamentary Procedure
4.1 All meetings shall follow Parliamentary Procedure.
4.2 Meetings may be run informally with the approval of the Chair for that Meeting and the majority of those voting members attending the meeting.
4.3 Minutes shall be kept at all Meetings, regardless of the system by which they are run.