I want to know what Peter Quince Performing Company is and how it operates.
Disclaimer: The relevant articles are listed below do not make up the entirety of the PQPC bylaws. Please go to the full bylaws page if you want to know more about PQPC. Members are still expected to go through all of the bylaws.
Article VI: Committees
Section 3: Duties of the Elected Standing Committee Heads and Their Committeesn.
3.8 Play Reading Committee shall be responsible for selecting the list of plays from which the summer Production shall be chosen, as specified in the Bylaws. It shall also have the responsibility of voting directly for the show for the summer Production. The Play Reading Committee shall be chaired by the Producer and shall consist of the Director, Musical Director, Choral Director, Technical Director and Choreographer upon their election Four additional members shall be elected by the General Membership, so that the total membership of the Play Reading Committee (including the Producer) is ten people. Contact must be maintained among the Play Reading Committee throughout the play reading process. Failure to actively research the shows and participate in meetings may result in removal from the Play Reading Committee at the discretion of the Producer. If a member is removed or resigns from the Play Reading Committee, their place shall be filled as quickly as possible by another person who expressed interest in membership, at the discretion of the Producer.
Article VIII: Elections
Section 4: Play Reading Committee
4.1 Election of the Play Reading Committee members shall be by secret ballot at the Post-Production Meeting.
4.2 In the event that there are four or fewer nominations, the secret ballot may be waived by the Chair.
4.3 Letters of nomination for positions on the Play Reading Committee shall be submitted to the current Executive Committee of the Board of Directors prior to the Post-Production Meeting.
4.4 The nomination letters shall be presented to the company at that meeting.
4.5 Nominations off the floor shall also be considered by Membership at that meeting.
4.6 Play Reading Committee members shall then be elected from the pool of all nominees. Every member must cast four votes, and no person may vote more than once for a single nominee.
4.7 Members may not share a seat on the Play Reading Committee, with the exception of co-Producers and co-Directors who are elected separately from the rest of the Play Reading Committee. Members who share a seat in this manner shall then have half a vote each when voting as part of the Play Reading Committee.
4.8 In the event that one or more members of the Play Reading Committee are later elected to a Director position, the “vacant” seats shall be filled as quickly as possible by the Producer from the pool of Play Reading Committee applicants until the total membership of the Play Reading Committee (including the Producer) is ten people.
4.9 In the event that there are fewer than four applicants for the Play Reading Committee seats, it is the responsibility of the Producer to seek out additional members, who may be directly added at his or her discretion.
Article IX: Requirements for Positions on the Board of Directors
Section 1: Attendance
1.1 Members of the Board of Directors shall be present or excused for all appropriate Board and Company Meetings.
1.2 Excused refers to advance notice of at least one week given to the Chair of the Meeting as well as good and sufficient reason being shown for the absence, as determined at the discretion of the General Committee of the Board of Directors.
1.3 If a Member of the Board of Directors is absent and unexcused from a Meeting, he/she shall be ineligible for election to any Board of Directors position the following season.
Section 2: Length of Service
2.1 All Members of the Board of Directors are expected to hold their positions from the meeting which they are elected until the same meeting the following season.
Article X: Departure from Membership or Company Positions
Section 3: Impeachment
3.1 Any person holding a position is subject to Impeachment.
3.2 Any person holding a position who fails to fulfill his/her position requirements or fails to adhere to the rules of the Company as outlined in Article XIII, "Conditions of Membership," shall be Impeached and possibly removed from the Company.
3.3 The General Committee of the Board of Directors shall serve as a grievance committee to hear any grievances brought forth by any Member of the Company. The Committee shall meet to discuss the severity of the charges, and shall decide, by majority vote, whether or not the Impeachment of the accused member will be brought before the entire Company for a final decision.
3.4 The Impeachment proceedings shall be held within one month of the decision to pursue Impeachment. If there is no official meeting in that time period an Emergency Meeting shall be convened.
3.5 The ratification for Condemnation or Vindication shall require a two-thirds vote of the Members present.
3.6 The President, if not involved, will Chair the proceedings. If the President is involved, responsibility shall fall upon the Producer, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Public Relations Director, Alumni Committee Head, Fundraising Committee Head, Internet Committee Head, History Committee Head, Bylaw Committee Head, Education Committee Head, Social Activities Committee Head, General Director, Musical Director, Choral Director, Technical Director, and Choreographer, respectively, until a member is not involved in the Impeachment proceedings.
3.7 In the event that the accused fails to acknowledge contact made by the Grievance Committee in regards to said accusation, the committee has the right to impose a decision based on the evidence presented by the accuser. Once a decision is made it will not be eligible to be reopened under any circumstances.
3.8 Argument shall have a time limit set upon it. One person shall be selected by volunteering or by Board of Director's conscription to keep time. Each party, prosecutors and defendants, shall have exactly fifteen uninterrupted minutes to state their arguments. After both sides have stated their case, each party shall have exactly ten minutes to take questions from the floor and further rebut accusations. After this has taken place all parties involved, prosecutors and defendants, shall withdraw from the meeting place. The vote shall then take place by secret ballot. The accused Member shall be informed of the results at a special Company Meeting to be held as soon as possible after the vote.
3.9 The General Committee of the Board of Directors shall determine the penalty. The minimum penalty shall be removal from Office. The maximum penalty shall be permanent expulsion from the Company.
3.10 Any necessary elections to fill posts shall take place at the meeting convened to pass judgment upon the accused. The elections shall take place as described in Article VIII.
Section 4: Resignation
4.1 Resignation from a position shall be for the remainder of the season.
4.2 Resignation from the Company shall be for the remainder of the season subject to Article III, Section 3, 3.3.
4.3 All Resignations must be given to the President in writing, and, once accepted by the President, are considered final. If the President wishes to resign, notice must then be given to the Vice-President. Members who resign have the option of rejoining by again paying dues.
4.4 Any Member of the Executive Committee or General Committee of the Board of Directors who resigns from their elected position shall be ineligible for election in any position held the current and following seasons.
Article XII: Operating Procedures
Section 1: Show Selection
1.1 The Play Reading Committee shall present a list of no fewer than three, and no more than four, shows.
1.2 The list of shows presented to the Company shall contain no more than one straight play.
1.3 The Company shall select the show for the summer Production from the list of presented shows by a true majority vote of the Play Reading Committee. Each member of the Play Reading Committee shall cast one vote.
1.4 The Producer must cast his/her vote in accordance with the wishes of the General Membership, as determined by true majority vote. If the Membership’s vote results in an exact tie, then the Producer may cast his or her vote for any of the shows in the tie.
1.5 In the case of a tie in the Play Reading Committee, the show chosen by true majority vote of the General Membership shall win.
1.6 If, for any reason, the Play Reading Committee does not have ten members at the time of voting, the vote(s) of the empty seat(s) shall be cast for the show which won the true majority vote of the General Membership.
1.7 The selected show may be revoted upon with the approval of three-fifths of the Membership.
1.8 If there is a revote, and the show that is selected in the revote is the same as the show that was selected in the original vote, there shall be no further revotes.
Article XIII: Conditions of Membership
Section 1: Controlled Substance Policy
1.1 Any member of the Peter Quince Performing Co., Ltd. that is caught in the possession of or consuming an intoxicating or illegal substance at a Company Sponsored Function as defined in Article XIII, Section 1, 1.2 will go directly to Strike 3 of the Indictment Procedures outlined in Article X, Section 2, 2.3.
1.2 A Company Sponsored Function is defined as any activity which is organized by Members of the Company specifically but not merely exclusively for Members of the Peter Quince Performing Co., Ltd. Events not following the guidelines set by this Constitution of Peter Quince Performing Co., Ltd. shall not be announced verbally or in writing, or discussed at a Quince event, including the time frames immediately preceding or following a Quince event in the location of said event. Location includes all property that belongs to said meeting place. Legal alcohol and tobacco consumption at Alumni Reunions shall be at the Executive Committee's discretion.
1.3 Any question of announcement acceptability shall be directed to the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors.
Section 2: Tobacco Policy
2.1 Use of Tobacco will be strictly prohibited at all Peter Quince Performing Co., Ltd. functions conducted in view of the public as defined in Article XIII, Section 1, 1.2.
2.2 Any member violating the Smoking Policy will go to Strike 1 of the Sanctions Procedures outlined in Article X, Section 2, 2.3.
Section 3: Illegal Behavior
3.1 Any member of the Peter Quince Performing Co., Ltd. that is caught in any illegal activity at a Company Sponsored Function as defined in Article XIII, Section 1, 1.2 will go directly to Strike 3 of the Indictment Procedures outlined in Article X, Section 2, 2.3.
Section 4: General Behavior Policy
4.1 All Members are responsible for being good representatives of the company at all Company Sponsored Events as defined in Article XIII, Section 1, 1.2 and in the Manitowoc community. “Good Representation” of the company is defined as respecting other members, their families, community establishments, schools, and other community members who support Quince; being respectful of the Directing Staff and other leaders in Quince; refraining from profanity, obscenity, and other “inappropriate” behavior as defined at the discretion of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. Any member violating the General Behavior Policy shall be indicted as defined in Article X, Section 2, 2.3, with the number of the strike being determined by the severity of the violation.
Section 5: Anti-Discrimination Policy
5.1 Peter Quince Performing Company does not and shall not tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, selection and removal of position-holders, selection of show titles, member and community interaction, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members and the greater Manitowoc community. Members in violation of this policy are subject to immediate removal from the company, bypassing the standard grievance procedure, at the discretion of the Executive Board.
Article XIV: Bylaws
Section 6: The Spirit of the Bylaws
6.1 If, during the course of the current season, any person involved in the selection of the show acts in a way that is deemed by the Executive Board to be an attempt to “cheat” the system in order to get a particular show(s) selected or eliminated or to get one or more individuals removed from or added to the Play Reading Committee, the Executive Board has full authority to overrule the contents of Article VIII, Section 4 and Article XII, Section 1 in order to more fairly represent the wishes of the Company as a whole.
6.2 If action is taken by the Executive Board under the provisions in this Section, full disclosure must be maintained between the Executive Board and the rest of the Company membership.
Section 3: Duties of the Elected Standing Committee Heads and Their Committeesn.
3.8 Play Reading Committee shall be responsible for selecting the list of plays from which the summer Production shall be chosen, as specified in the Bylaws. It shall also have the responsibility of voting directly for the show for the summer Production. The Play Reading Committee shall be chaired by the Producer and shall consist of the Director, Musical Director, Choral Director, Technical Director and Choreographer upon their election Four additional members shall be elected by the General Membership, so that the total membership of the Play Reading Committee (including the Producer) is ten people. Contact must be maintained among the Play Reading Committee throughout the play reading process. Failure to actively research the shows and participate in meetings may result in removal from the Play Reading Committee at the discretion of the Producer. If a member is removed or resigns from the Play Reading Committee, their place shall be filled as quickly as possible by another person who expressed interest in membership, at the discretion of the Producer.
Article VIII: Elections
Section 4: Play Reading Committee
4.1 Election of the Play Reading Committee members shall be by secret ballot at the Post-Production Meeting.
4.2 In the event that there are four or fewer nominations, the secret ballot may be waived by the Chair.
4.3 Letters of nomination for positions on the Play Reading Committee shall be submitted to the current Executive Committee of the Board of Directors prior to the Post-Production Meeting.
4.4 The nomination letters shall be presented to the company at that meeting.
4.5 Nominations off the floor shall also be considered by Membership at that meeting.
4.6 Play Reading Committee members shall then be elected from the pool of all nominees. Every member must cast four votes, and no person may vote more than once for a single nominee.
4.7 Members may not share a seat on the Play Reading Committee, with the exception of co-Producers and co-Directors who are elected separately from the rest of the Play Reading Committee. Members who share a seat in this manner shall then have half a vote each when voting as part of the Play Reading Committee.
4.8 In the event that one or more members of the Play Reading Committee are later elected to a Director position, the “vacant” seats shall be filled as quickly as possible by the Producer from the pool of Play Reading Committee applicants until the total membership of the Play Reading Committee (including the Producer) is ten people.
4.9 In the event that there are fewer than four applicants for the Play Reading Committee seats, it is the responsibility of the Producer to seek out additional members, who may be directly added at his or her discretion.
Article IX: Requirements for Positions on the Board of Directors
Section 1: Attendance
1.1 Members of the Board of Directors shall be present or excused for all appropriate Board and Company Meetings.
1.2 Excused refers to advance notice of at least one week given to the Chair of the Meeting as well as good and sufficient reason being shown for the absence, as determined at the discretion of the General Committee of the Board of Directors.
1.3 If a Member of the Board of Directors is absent and unexcused from a Meeting, he/she shall be ineligible for election to any Board of Directors position the following season.
Section 2: Length of Service
2.1 All Members of the Board of Directors are expected to hold their positions from the meeting which they are elected until the same meeting the following season.
Article X: Departure from Membership or Company Positions
Section 3: Impeachment
3.1 Any person holding a position is subject to Impeachment.
3.2 Any person holding a position who fails to fulfill his/her position requirements or fails to adhere to the rules of the Company as outlined in Article XIII, "Conditions of Membership," shall be Impeached and possibly removed from the Company.
3.3 The General Committee of the Board of Directors shall serve as a grievance committee to hear any grievances brought forth by any Member of the Company. The Committee shall meet to discuss the severity of the charges, and shall decide, by majority vote, whether or not the Impeachment of the accused member will be brought before the entire Company for a final decision.
3.4 The Impeachment proceedings shall be held within one month of the decision to pursue Impeachment. If there is no official meeting in that time period an Emergency Meeting shall be convened.
3.5 The ratification for Condemnation or Vindication shall require a two-thirds vote of the Members present.
3.6 The President, if not involved, will Chair the proceedings. If the President is involved, responsibility shall fall upon the Producer, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Public Relations Director, Alumni Committee Head, Fundraising Committee Head, Internet Committee Head, History Committee Head, Bylaw Committee Head, Education Committee Head, Social Activities Committee Head, General Director, Musical Director, Choral Director, Technical Director, and Choreographer, respectively, until a member is not involved in the Impeachment proceedings.
3.7 In the event that the accused fails to acknowledge contact made by the Grievance Committee in regards to said accusation, the committee has the right to impose a decision based on the evidence presented by the accuser. Once a decision is made it will not be eligible to be reopened under any circumstances.
3.8 Argument shall have a time limit set upon it. One person shall be selected by volunteering or by Board of Director's conscription to keep time. Each party, prosecutors and defendants, shall have exactly fifteen uninterrupted minutes to state their arguments. After both sides have stated their case, each party shall have exactly ten minutes to take questions from the floor and further rebut accusations. After this has taken place all parties involved, prosecutors and defendants, shall withdraw from the meeting place. The vote shall then take place by secret ballot. The accused Member shall be informed of the results at a special Company Meeting to be held as soon as possible after the vote.
3.9 The General Committee of the Board of Directors shall determine the penalty. The minimum penalty shall be removal from Office. The maximum penalty shall be permanent expulsion from the Company.
3.10 Any necessary elections to fill posts shall take place at the meeting convened to pass judgment upon the accused. The elections shall take place as described in Article VIII.
Section 4: Resignation
4.1 Resignation from a position shall be for the remainder of the season.
4.2 Resignation from the Company shall be for the remainder of the season subject to Article III, Section 3, 3.3.
4.3 All Resignations must be given to the President in writing, and, once accepted by the President, are considered final. If the President wishes to resign, notice must then be given to the Vice-President. Members who resign have the option of rejoining by again paying dues.
4.4 Any Member of the Executive Committee or General Committee of the Board of Directors who resigns from their elected position shall be ineligible for election in any position held the current and following seasons.
Article XII: Operating Procedures
Section 1: Show Selection
1.1 The Play Reading Committee shall present a list of no fewer than three, and no more than four, shows.
1.2 The list of shows presented to the Company shall contain no more than one straight play.
1.3 The Company shall select the show for the summer Production from the list of presented shows by a true majority vote of the Play Reading Committee. Each member of the Play Reading Committee shall cast one vote.
1.4 The Producer must cast his/her vote in accordance with the wishes of the General Membership, as determined by true majority vote. If the Membership’s vote results in an exact tie, then the Producer may cast his or her vote for any of the shows in the tie.
1.5 In the case of a tie in the Play Reading Committee, the show chosen by true majority vote of the General Membership shall win.
1.6 If, for any reason, the Play Reading Committee does not have ten members at the time of voting, the vote(s) of the empty seat(s) shall be cast for the show which won the true majority vote of the General Membership.
1.7 The selected show may be revoted upon with the approval of three-fifths of the Membership.
1.8 If there is a revote, and the show that is selected in the revote is the same as the show that was selected in the original vote, there shall be no further revotes.
Article XIII: Conditions of Membership
Section 1: Controlled Substance Policy
1.1 Any member of the Peter Quince Performing Co., Ltd. that is caught in the possession of or consuming an intoxicating or illegal substance at a Company Sponsored Function as defined in Article XIII, Section 1, 1.2 will go directly to Strike 3 of the Indictment Procedures outlined in Article X, Section 2, 2.3.
1.2 A Company Sponsored Function is defined as any activity which is organized by Members of the Company specifically but not merely exclusively for Members of the Peter Quince Performing Co., Ltd. Events not following the guidelines set by this Constitution of Peter Quince Performing Co., Ltd. shall not be announced verbally or in writing, or discussed at a Quince event, including the time frames immediately preceding or following a Quince event in the location of said event. Location includes all property that belongs to said meeting place. Legal alcohol and tobacco consumption at Alumni Reunions shall be at the Executive Committee's discretion.
1.3 Any question of announcement acceptability shall be directed to the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors.
Section 2: Tobacco Policy
2.1 Use of Tobacco will be strictly prohibited at all Peter Quince Performing Co., Ltd. functions conducted in view of the public as defined in Article XIII, Section 1, 1.2.
2.2 Any member violating the Smoking Policy will go to Strike 1 of the Sanctions Procedures outlined in Article X, Section 2, 2.3.
Section 3: Illegal Behavior
3.1 Any member of the Peter Quince Performing Co., Ltd. that is caught in any illegal activity at a Company Sponsored Function as defined in Article XIII, Section 1, 1.2 will go directly to Strike 3 of the Indictment Procedures outlined in Article X, Section 2, 2.3.
Section 4: General Behavior Policy
4.1 All Members are responsible for being good representatives of the company at all Company Sponsored Events as defined in Article XIII, Section 1, 1.2 and in the Manitowoc community. “Good Representation” of the company is defined as respecting other members, their families, community establishments, schools, and other community members who support Quince; being respectful of the Directing Staff and other leaders in Quince; refraining from profanity, obscenity, and other “inappropriate” behavior as defined at the discretion of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. Any member violating the General Behavior Policy shall be indicted as defined in Article X, Section 2, 2.3, with the number of the strike being determined by the severity of the violation.
Section 5: Anti-Discrimination Policy
5.1 Peter Quince Performing Company does not and shall not tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, selection and removal of position-holders, selection of show titles, member and community interaction, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members and the greater Manitowoc community. Members in violation of this policy are subject to immediate removal from the company, bypassing the standard grievance procedure, at the discretion of the Executive Board.
Article XIV: Bylaws
Section 6: The Spirit of the Bylaws
6.1 If, during the course of the current season, any person involved in the selection of the show acts in a way that is deemed by the Executive Board to be an attempt to “cheat” the system in order to get a particular show(s) selected or eliminated or to get one or more individuals removed from or added to the Play Reading Committee, the Executive Board has full authority to overrule the contents of Article VIII, Section 4 and Article XII, Section 1 in order to more fairly represent the wishes of the Company as a whole.
6.2 If action is taken by the Executive Board under the provisions in this Section, full disclosure must be maintained between the Executive Board and the rest of the Company membership.